Re-Inventing Public Schools and Preserving Idaho for Idahoans with David Lent

David Lent a District 33 Senator and recently waded into the School Choice discussion. Many people have criticized School Choice bills for having little or no accountability from the state on private schools that get state funding. Senator Lent has proposed a version of this but also indicated that if we are going to offer private schools funds with no strings attached, then we should do the same for public schools while still observing Federal Requirements. He also educated me on the movement to preserve or at least offer preference to Idaho residents within the Parks and Rec world. Idaho is the worst kept secret in the nation and its beautiful state parks and attractions have been flooded with out of state visitors in recent years. This pushes out families and traditions in Idaho, but the Idaho state government is working to fix that. Enjoy!

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Stopping Sex-Trafficking and Servitude in Eagle with Travis Ruby


Brownies, Strawberry Mochas, and 80s Movies with Brandy Furiani